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Peer support Groups are comprised of individuals who share a common disorder. These types of groups are focused on providing mentoring,emotional,social support,information,education and practical help to each other.

Seventh meeting of Green Ribbon Group (Peer Support Group for Persons with Depression and Bipolar disorder was held on 26th March 2019 at Rajah Community Hall. The meeting started with the welcome note by Peer support group facilitator Mrs.Sh teacher and Mr.Sha followed by presidential address by our Dr.N.Pfizer.

Mr.A.Abdul Quadir released an attractive poster depicting 2 phases of Bipolar disorder. Mr.Sivadasan (Press Club President,Chavakkad) addressed the gathering with his motivational speech.

psychoeducation classes were conducted on topics-

Mr.H Teacher,peer specialist-Identifying Mania

Mrs.Sa teacher,peer specialist-Identifying Depression

Dr.Soni Shaji,Consultant Naturopath-Role of Nutrition in Bipolar

Mr.Meenakshi Karthik,MSc Yoga-Demo on therapeutic yoga postures in Bipolar

The main high light of the programme was group activity involving the patients as well as care givers. The participants were grouped into 13 groups where in questions related to bipolar was given to both of them. There were 5 group of care givers and 8 group for Patients. The group would discuss on the given problem for 10 minutes and group leader would share the conclusions and view points of group members derived from discussion for the raised, by the group and interactive session followed. This activity enhanced self confidence and empathy among the patients as well as care givers.

One of the participants brought home made chocolate cup cakes, which was distributed in the group. 121 attendance were present for the meeting with 68 peers and 53 carer’s members.

The next Green Ribbon Bipolar/Depression peer support meeting is scheduled in the month of June 2019.