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Peer support Groups are comprised of individuals who share a common disorder. These types of groups are focused on providing mentoring,emotional,social support,information,education and practical help to each other.

Tenth meeting of Silver Ribbon Group ,Peer Support Group for Persons with Schizophernia disorder was held on 17th  December 2019 at Rajah Community Hall. The theme of this Group meeting was:“SELF COMPASSION”

The meeting started with the welcome note by Peer support group facilitator Ms.Saj .Mr.Has  read the minutes of previous meeting followed by presidential address by our Dr.N.Pfizer.

There was Sharing lived experience by  PSG member and care giver. It was all about the sharing of illness experience, strength and hope. Under Group recreation activity, patients were made to sit in a circle and passing the ball was played. The losers had to perform an  activity like singing ,dancing, reciting a poem or reading out the written quotes on Schizophrenia. This game was enjoyed and well played by the presentees.,

Awareness classes:

Dr.N.Pfizer,Psychiatrist-A talk on  Schizophrenia and its latest Medications

Dr.Soni Shaji,Consultant Naturopath-Role of Nutrition in Schizophernia

Mr.Karthik –class on  therapeutic yoga postures and pranayama in schizophrenia


There was Sharing lived experience by  PSG member and care giver. Its was all about the sharing of illness experience, strength and hope. Under Group recreation activity, patients along with care givers were made to sit in a circle and passing the ball was played. The losers had to perform an  activity like singing ,dancing, reciting a poem or reading out the written quotes on Schizophrenia.This game was enjoyed and well played by all the presentees.,

The main highlight of the programme was SELF COMPASSION IMAGERY by Mrs.Princy Rijo along with AROMATHERAPY by Dr.Soni Shaji. This session was a combination of preliminary Hyponosis,Compassion focused therapy and Aromatherapy.It was a beautiful experience for all in taking them to an entire new dimension of imagination  likewise relaxing them in a unique way. This therapy was well appreciated by all.

Cognitive enchancing exercise was given and the winners were given prize.

Our PSG member Ms.Vin took class on MYTHS AND MISCONCEPTIONS OF ILLNESS. Along with the class a very good interaction session went on between the care givers, patients  and the Doctor.


Tea and snacks were distributed to all. Around 40 attendances were present for the meeting even though it was a Harthal Day.

The next Silver Ribbon Schizophernia peer support meeting is scheduled in the month of March